ISO is most considered to effect image noise So now we can see how it changes the tone or how you can edit later.
We will see how we can combine the three aspects to get the best and most creative photos from some other photographers.
Most of these images have been edited for the best aesthetic. In editing, the photographer may also lighten and dark the image in part or whole. So my recommendation is when you know you will be editing your photos, try to purposely make your photos a little dark. Remember light= noise. It is easier to edit in noise then to edit out noise.
As a refresher: ISO controls the sensitvity of your camera's sensor. Aperture controls the area which light can enter your camera. Which is also the depth of field. Shutter Speed controls how long the shutter is open to gather light. Which is also how blurred movement is.
ISO is most considered to effect image noise So now we can see how it changes the tone or how you can edit later.
Aperature is mostly used to change depth of field. Think of a very detailed foreground and a very blurry back ground or vice versa.
While ISO can appear to be adjusted in editing, Aperture can be too- just not to the same extent. Editing programs will be able to make certain parts of the image more blurry. Although it is important to know that it is very rare that you can make a blurry part more in focus. There can be clarify and dehaze options but they will leave a noticable texture on the photo. Make sure your pictures are correctly focused before you leave your subject. It can be very frustrating to get to editing and realize that you missed an oppurtunity to get a good picture.
Shutter Speed is how long you can gather light. The most common photos we can see this in is either sports shots or light or water shots. Shutter speed often effects the way we perceive motion in a photo.
Similar to Aperture, make sure your photos are properly focused. When taking photos with long shutter speeds you will want a tripod. Even a hand slightly moving could make your photo blurry. I would hate for your waterfall or night sky to be blurry in editing. Unlike ISO and Aperture, you can not make up for a the speed of your camera in editing.